modular electronic game prototype by Tuomo Tammenpää and Daniel Blackburn

Thursday, November 24, 2005

TileToy workshop, day4

The last day and mostly Max/Msp/Jitter patching. Some super minimal VJ'ing on tiles, some sound controlled volume bars on them and some PicBasic tutorials form Dan. Rob gave nice introduction for the girls on physical computing in general, thanks Rob for that. Apart from lagging on schedule due to heavy debugging, we feel happy for the past days.

High-five for participants for bravery, apologies for sweat and tears. Send us more images if you got them. First TileToy workshop signing out. To the pub.

TileToy workshop, day3

Second day, debugging. And debugging we did, oh yes. Lee got first the momentary lapse of joy with a working tile, hence the smile. Also some MAX patching action below from Jaygo and Samantha. A set of tiles in the late hours and Fiddian and Dan around our busy pic corner. Nearly there.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Tiletoy workshop, day2

Six hours of concentrated soldering and lights started to blink on screens. Excellent work from everyone, definitely not the easiest kit for the first soldering job. Thanks Lee and Rob for photos.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Tiletoy workshop, day1

Our first workshop and people showed up! And quite a interesting bunch of people I must say. The first day was just a brief introduction on the workshop, mainly chatting on who we all are and what we are aiming to do in the next couple of days. Tomorrow is the serious soldering session. Burn Huddersfield, burn.

Thank you Rob for the photo.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

TileToy DIY workshop

The first opportunity to make your own tiles is here. TileToy workshop takes place in Huddersfield UK, from Monday 21st to Thursday 24th as a part of Ultrasound festival.

See the workshop description here. Check also the rest of the festival program and be there with us.