TileToy DIY workshop

The first opportunity to make your own tiles is here. TileToy workshop takes place in Huddersfield UK, from Monday 21st to Thursday 24th as a part of Ultrasound festival.
See the workshop description here. Check also the rest of the festival program and be there with us.
You don't need skills in physical computing in general. It's more about managing the soldering job. If you have some experience in soldering components on the board, no problem. We will not have time to teach much of the "hand craft" of DIY electronics in the tight schedule of the workshop.
9:09 am
Your tiles are beyond cool :) Any chance for a workshop in Helsinki any time soon?
4:34 pm
PIxelache2006 is one possibility for TileToys in Helsinki. Something informal can happen beofre that.
Pixelache site
12:58 pm
Sony's Blockjam is an instrument. TileToy is more like a platform on which you can develop various applications. Most importantly, TileToy is open hardware and open software project to give people chance to take it from there and develop it further or make games for themselves if they like. There must be hundreds of interesting projects like Blockjam that never come out for the rest of us to try, or worse, we don't even know about.
11:19 am
I personally feel that interface like connecting blocks should be something that everybody can use, and changing the state of the graphics in blocks is an obvious step in the line of block like games and plays. Our choise for LED screen was more tribute to 70's 80's handheld electronic games, and more or less only affordable one.
I'm not denying the resemblance of TileToy, Blockjam and several other connecting-cubes-with-displays -projects, but I feel strongly that there is a plenty of room for new innovations there, and not just for Sony.
Still, this is an interesting and important topic and thank you for raising it. When also hardware projects can be done and published more easily by individuals, we will see lot of resembling innovations and ideas developed further from other ideas. This calls for new ways of protecting your work without blocking innovation in general.
10:04 am
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