
modular electronic game prototype by Tuomo Tammenpää and Daniel Blackburn

Sunday, October 30, 2005

TileToy @ Ultrasound

TileToy can be seen in Ultrsound festival in Huddersfield UK end of November. We are giving a workshop on building tiles and programming games there. Check the Ultrasound website for program details.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Tiletoy Independence

This might just look like yet another post involving Tiletoys and triangles. But these triangles are different. Instead of being controlled by a computer the tile displaying the number of active connections is now acting as the server. It processes the data received from the tiles and tells them what do display. Which in this case happens to be more triangles. I promise something more interesting than triangles next time. But for now check out the video below for more triangular goodness.

Connections video

Monday, October 10, 2005

Washington, opening

Opening was a success. Over 200 visitors and people cueing in on saturday when The Washington Post published an article on Sauma. Now back in Finland, jet-lagged, but happy.

Washington Post article

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Washington, day before opening

Sauma exhibition is up. Short clip from TileToy stand below. Some opening action tomorrow.

Sauma clip

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Washington, Day n?

After undefined number of long days the exhibition starts to emerge from a heap of packaging garbage. Tiles are still working, some delay in radio, probably due to the massive espionage, counter-espionage and jamming of counter-espionage signals in the embassy neighbourhood. I'm waiting for stealth messages to appear on the tiles like: "Cool tiles dude, yours, CIA".

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Washington, Day1

The first day of setting up Sauma exhibition in the gallery space of Finnish Embassy in Washingon DC. All tiles survived the trip to here and the demo set is already bolted on the table top. Looking good. October in DC is like hot summer in Finland which calls for some barbeque action tonight.