
modular electronic game prototype by Tuomo Tammenpää and Daniel Blackburn

Friday, June 29, 2007

Setting up Sauma show in L.A.




Sauma exhibition where TileToy is exhibited is opening at Architecture and Design Museum of Los Angeles on Friday 29th of June.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

TileToy at Los Angeles

Sauma exhibition opens at Architecture and Design museum at Los Angeles June 29th 2007. See TileToy there until the end of August.

A+D museum website

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Futuresonic 2006, Manchester

Not exactly TileToy related, but close enough. We run a Physical Computing workshop with Dan as a part of a series of workshops, organised by Derek Hales and our research posse from Digital Research Unit at Huddersfield University at the Futuresonic festival in Manchester.

High five for Derek, Sharon and fellow colleagues for hot and action packed week in Manchester.

We do love technology

Late posting from UK this summer. Lisa Roberts and Abby Dix from Blink pulled together nice and sunny event in Huddersfield couple of weeks ago titled We Love Technology. We presented TileToy with Dan shortly and met lot of nice people, like Regine from we-make-money-not-art and the Troika duo and enjoyed inspiring talks by Matt Locke and Matt Webb.

Thanks again for Lisa and Abby for a lovely event.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Sauma show at NYC

Sauma show at WFC is now up and running. It's a loooong show, until 10th of September, so go and check it out if in NYC. Hours, Tue-Fri 12-6pm, Sat-Sun 11-4pm. Directions here.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

TileToy at NYC, building Sauma show

Building the Sauma exhibition in World Financial Center Courtyard Gallery in New York city. Hot summer, mellow aircon, and even the dudes in the sushi bar below show the world cup footie, hurrah.

WFC page

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Printed board process

Apologies for the break in postings. Busy spring. The quest for our first own PCB has progressed a bit. We have now the very-first-not-sainty-checked version and we are waiting some feedback on it. If you happen to be a pro in PCB design and you don't mind checking our schematic and board lay-out, please contact us.

TileToy action coming to New York and Manchester. More on that soon.

Friday, March 31, 2006

TileToy in Pixelache, Helsinki

Today we presented TileToy in Pixelache festival in Helsinki as a part of "Open Hardware / Products" presentations. Again, interesting issues were raised on openness of hardware when (commercial)manufacturing of the components is always there before we have Star Trek replicators around. Open architecture is probably more accurate term for releasing the plans and guidelines for making physical things.

Ville's instant video blog